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Customer Service Department Call Distribution Data Analysis


Missing file

This is the spreadsheet I'm working on. This data belongs to our customer service department in the company.

The dataset has been successfully loaded. Here are the first few columns of the dataset:
  • Date
  • Time
  • Hours
  • Minute
  • Minute Distribution
  • Second
  • Day
  • Month
  • Year
  • Week of Month
  • Queue
  • Queue Stuts
  • Agent
  • Number
  • Event
  • Call Status
  • Wait Time
  • Talk Time
  • Total Time
  • uniqueid
The dataset contains information about call distribution, including timestamps, queue status, agent details, and call metrics.
What specific analysis or insights are you looking to derive from this dataset?

Can you visualize the average talk time per agent?

The bar chart above visualizes the average talk time per agent. The talk time is measured in seconds for easier comparison.
Would you like to perform any other analysis or visualizations on this dataset?

Can you analyze the wait time per queue?

The bar chart above visualizes the average wait time per queue. The wait time is measured in seconds for easier comparison.
Would you like to perform any other analysis or visualizations on this dataset?

Can you visualize the number of calls handled by each agent?

Let's start with printing general information and summary statistics about the dataset

The dataset contains 24,751 entries and 22 columns. Here is a brief overview of the columns and their data types:
  • Date: datetime64[ns]
  • Time: object
  • Hours: int64
  • Minute: int64
  • Minute Distribution: int64
  • Second: int64
  • Day: object
  • Month: object
  • Year: int64
  • Week of Month: int64
  • Day of Week: int64
  • Binned Time: object
  • Queue: int64
  • Queue Stuts: object
  • Agent: object
  • Number: object
  • Event: object
  • Call Status: object
  • Wait Time: object
  • Talk Time: object
  • Total Time: object
  • uniqueid: float64
Next, let's print the summary statistics of the dataset.
The summary statistics of the dataset are as follows:
  • Date: Ranges from 2024-01-01 to 2024-08-17
  • Time: Contains 19,547 unique values
  • Hours: Mean = 15.57, Std = 4.04, Min = 0, Max = 23
  • Minute: Mean = 29.30, Std = 17.29, Min = 0, Max = 59
  • Minute Distribution: Mean = 0.00, Std = 0.00, Min = 0, Max = 0
  • Second: Mean = 29.52, Std = 17.32, Min = 0, Max = 59
  • Day: Contains 7 unique values (Monday to Sunday)
  • Month: Contains 8 unique values (Jan to Aug)
  • Year: Only contains the year 2024
  • Week of Month: Mean = 2.50, Std = 1.12, Min = 1, Max = 5
  • Day of Week: Mean = 3.00, Std = 2.00, Min = 0, Max = 6
  • Binned Time: Contains 24 unique values
  • Queue: Contains 4 unique values
  • Queue Stuts: Contains 3 unique values
  • Agent: Contains 1007 unique values
  • Number: Contains 793 unique values
  • Event: Contains 4 unique values
  • Call Status: Contains 3 unique values
  • Wait Time: Contains 1175 unique values
  • Talk Time: Contains 1007 unique values
  • Total Time: Contains 1175 unique values
  • uniqueid: Mean = 1.714109e+09, Std = 5.85e+06, Min = 1.704058e+09, Max = 1.723890e+09
Would you like to perform any specific analysis or visualizations on this dataset?

Check for missing or incosistent data

The dataset does not contain any missing values. All columns have complete data.
Would you like to perform any specific analysis or visualizations on this dataset?

What kind of other data cleaning issues do you see in the dataset?

To identify potential data cleaning issues, let's look at a few aspects:
  1. Data Types: Ensure that all columns have appropriate data types.
  2. Duplicate Rows: Check for any duplicate rows in the dataset.
  3. Inconsistent Data: Look for any inconsistencies in categorical columns.
  4. Outliers: Identify any outliers in numerical columns.
Let's start by examining the data types of each column.
The data types of the columns are as follows:
  • Date: datetime64[ns]
  • Time: object
  • Hours: int64
  • Minute: int64
  • Minute Distribution: int64
  • Second: int64
  • Day: object
  • Month: object
  • Year: int64
  • Week of Month: int64
  • Day of Week: int64
  • Binned Time: object
  • Queue: int64
  • Queue Stuts: object
  • Agent: object
  • Number: object
  • Event: object
  • Call Status: object
  • Wait Time: object
  • Talk Time: object
  • Total Time: object
  • uniqueid: float64
Next, let's check for duplicate rows in the dataset.
The dataset does not contain any duplicate rows.
Next, let's look for any inconsistencies in the categorical columns.
Here are the unique values for each categorical column:
  • Day: ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
  • Month: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug']
  • Queue Stuts: ['Out of Work-AR', 'Call Center-AR', 'Call Center-EN', 'Out of Work-EN']
  • Agent: ['NONE', 'Mariam Ayman', 'Noura Moustafa', 'Marina Tarek', 'Aya Essam', 'Nourhan Mohamed', 'Khloud Assem', 'Nada Ali', 'Agent5']
  • Number: Contains a large number of unique values
  • Call Status: ['After Hours', 'Answered', 'Unanswered']
  • Wait Time: Contains a large number of unique values
  • Talk Time: Contains a large number of unique values
  • Total Time: Contains a large number of unique values
Potential issues identified:
  1. Queue Stuts: The column name seems to have a typo and should likely be 'Queue Status'.
  2. Agent: The value 'NONE' might indicate missing or unassigned agents.
  3. Time Columns: Columns like 'Wait Time', 'Talk Time', and 'Total Time' are in object format and should be converted to a time format for better analysis.
Next, let's identify any outliers in the numerical columns.
The boxplots for the numerical columns have been displayed. Here are some observations:
  1. Hours: No significant outliers observed.
  2. Minute: No significant outliers observed.
  3. Minute Distribution: No significant outliers observed (all values are 0).
  4. Second: No significant outliers observed.
  5. Year: Only contains the year 2024, so no outliers.
  6. Week of Month: No significant outliers observed.
  7. Day of Week: No significant outliers observed.
  8. Queue: No significant outliers observed.
  9. uniqueid: No significant outliers observed.
In summary, the dataset is quite clean with no missing values, no duplicate rows, and minimal inconsistencies. The main issues identified are:
  1. Typo in 'Queue Stuts' column name.
  2. 'NONE' value in 'Agent' column indicating missing or unassigned agents.
  3. Time columns ('Wait Time', 'Talk Time', 'Total Time') should be converted to a time format.
Would you like to proceed with cleaning these issues or perform any specific analysis?
The dataset has been cleaned with the following changes:
  1. Renamed 'Queue Stuts' to 'Queue Status'.
  2. Converted 'Wait Time', 'Talk Time', and 'Total Time' columns to timedelta format.
The dataset is now ready for further analysis or visualization.

Handle outliers in numerical columns

It appears that after applying the Z-score method to remove outliers, the cleaned dataset has no remaining rows. This indicates that the threshold for outlier detection might be too strict for this dataset.
Would you like to try a different method for handling outliers, such as the IQR (Interquartile Range) method, or adjust the Z-score threshold?
Using the IQR (Interquartile Range) method, we have successfully removed outliers from the numerical columns. The shape of the dataset has changed from 24,751 rows to 21,184 rows.
The dataset is now cleaned and ready for further analysis or visualization. If you have any specific analysis or visualization in mind, please let me know!

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