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Exploring Marketing Campaign Dataset


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I would like to do a detailed data analysis project on the attached marketing campaign file.

The marketing campaign dataset has been successfully loaded and contains 2,240 rows and 29 columns. The columns include various demographic and purchasing behavior attributes such as ID, Year_Birth, Education, Marital_Status, Income, Kidhome, Teenhome, Dt_Customer, Recency, MntWines, MntFruits, MntMeatProducts, MntFishProducts, MntSweetProducts, MntGoldProds, NumDealsPurchases, NumWebPurchases, NumCatalogPurchases, NumStorePurchases, NumWebVisitsMonth, AcceptedCmp3, AcceptedCmp4, AcceptedCmp5, AcceptedCmp1, AcceptedCmp2, Complain, Z_CostContact, Z_Revenue, and Response.

Continue the analysis

The dataset has been successfully loaded and parsed. We have performed initial exploratory data analysis (EDA) including summary statistics and visualizations of the distribution of income and year of birth. The income distribution shows a right-skewed pattern, while the year of birth distribution is relatively uniform with a slight concentration around the 1970s.
Would you like to explore any specific aspects of the data further or perform any particular analysis?

Continue the analysis

We have continued the analysis by visualizing the distribution of education levels and marital status among the customers. The education distribution shows a higher number of customers with graduation and PhD levels, while the marital status distribution indicates a higher number of married and together statuses.
Would you like to explore any other specific aspects of the data or perform any particular analysis?

Continue the analysis

We have continued the analysis by visualizing the average income by education level and marital status. The average income by education level shows that customers with a PhD have the highest average income, followed by those with a Master's degree. The average income by marital status indicates that customers who are married or together have higher average incomes compared to other statuses.
Would you like to explore any other specific aspects of the data or perform any particular analysis?

Continue the analysis

We have continued the analysis by visualizing the total amount spent on different product categories. The plot shows that customers spend the most on wines, followed by meat products, and the least on fruits and sweets.
Would you like to explore any other specific aspects of the data or perform any particular analysis?

Generate the final report of the analysis for stakeholder engagement

Marketing Campaign Analysis Report

1. Distribution of Education Levels

The distribution of education levels among the customers shows that the majority have a graduation or PhD level of education.
Education Distribution

2. Distribution of Marital Status

The marital status distribution indicates that most customers are either married or living together.
Marital Status Distribution

3. Average Income by Education Level

The average income by education level shows that customers with a PhD have the highest average income, followed by those with a Master's degree.
Average Income by Education

4. Average Income by Marital Status

The average income by marital status indicates that customers who are married or living together have higher average incomes compared to other statuses.
Average Income by Marital Status

5. Total Amount Spent on Different Product Categories

The total amount spent on different product categories shows that customers spend the most on wines, followed by meat products, and the least on fruits and sweets.
Total Amount Spent on Products


The analysis provides insights into the demographics and spending habits of the customers. This information can be used to tailor marketing strategies and improve customer engagement.

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