Exploring Subject Distribution Among Blind Candidates

Apr 5, 2024, 8:56 PM

What is the distribution of subjects among blind candidates?

import pandas as pd

# Load the Excel file
file_path = 'Oyo centre Updated BlindCandidates_Subjects.xlsx'
# Since the Excel file might contain multiple sheets, load all sheets into a DataFrame
df_sheets = pd.read_excel(file_path, sheet_name=None)
# Combine data from all sheets into a single DataFrame
all_data = pd.concat(df_sheets.values())

# Display the combined DataFrame to inspect the structure and contents
# Extract the subjects columns
subjects_columns = all_data.columns[all_data.columns.str.contains('Subject|UOE')]

# Melt the DataFrame to have one row per subject per candidate
df_melted = pd.melt(all_data, id_vars=['RegNumber'], value_vars=subjects_columns, var_name='Subject Type', value_name='Subject')

# Display the melted DataFrame to verify the structure
import plotly.express as px

# Calculate the distribution of subjects
subject_distribution = df_melted['Subject'].value_counts().reset_index()
subject_distribution.columns = ['Subject', 'Count']

# Plot the distribution of subjects among blind candidates
fig = px.bar(subject_distribution, x='Subject', y='Count', title='Distribution of Subjects Among Blind Candidates',
labels={'Count':'Number of Candidates'}, color='Subject',
fig.update_layout(paper_bgcolor='#111', font_color='white')
The distribution of subjects among blind candidates has been visualized in a bar chart. Key observations include:
  • Use of English is a common subject for all candidates, as expected.
  • Subjects like Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics are also popular among the candidates.
  • Christian Religious Knowledge, Literature in English, Government, and Economics are among the other subjects chosen by candidates.
This distribution highlights the variety of academic interests among blind candidates, ranging from sciences to humanities.

use of english and lit in English necessary for blind candidates

To ensure all blind candidates are prepared for their exams, it's crucial that they are proficient in Use of English and Literature in English. These subjects are essential for:
  • Enhancing reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
  • Improving communication abilities, both written and verbal.
  • Understanding cultural and historical contexts through literature.
These skills are foundational not only for academic success but also for personal growth and future career opportunities.

null hypothesis that use of engish is not relevant to write examination

To test the null hypothesis that Use of English is not relevant for writing examinations, we would typically conduct a statistical analysis. This involves:
  1. Collecting data on exam performance across subjects for candidates who have and have not studied Use of English.
  2. Analyzing the data to see if there's a significant difference in performance between the two groups.
  3. Drawing conclusions based on the analysis to accept or reject the null hypothesis.
This process helps determine the impact of studying Use of English on exam performance.

Perform statistical analysis on exam performance with and without Use of English.

To perform a statistical analysis on exam performance with and without studying Use of English, we need data that includes exam scores for candidates in various subjects, including whether they studied Use of English or not.
Unfortunately, the provided dataset does not include exam scores or a direct comparison group (candidates who did not study Use of English). Therefore, we cannot directly conduct the proposed statistical analysis.
If you have additional data that includes exam scores and specifies whether candidates studied Use of English, please provide it so we can proceed with the analysis.

Continue the analysis

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