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Exploring Relationship Between Registration Year and Payment Promptness in Student Fees

is there any relationship between the registration No and promptness in payment of school fees


  • Data Structure: The data includes columns for registration number, student name, payment status, payment date, and other student-related information.
  • Payment Date Correction: Initially, there was a mistake in selecting the 'Payment Date' column. This was corrected, and the correct payment dates were used for analysis.
  • Analysis Approach:
    • Extracted the year part from the registration number to assume it indicates the year of admission.
    • Compared the extracted year with the day of the year the fee was paid to explore the relationship between registration number and promptness in payment.
  • Findings:
    • The registration number includes a year, which we assume indicates the year of admission.
    • The data shows payment dates and the corresponding day of the year for each payment, allowing for an analysis of payment promptness.
Next, we will analyze the relationship between the registration year and the promptness of payment to determine if there's any correlation.

Summary of Findings

  • Data Preparation: We successfully corrected the selection of the 'Payment Date' column and prepared the data by extracting the year from the registration number and the day of the year the fee was paid.
  • Visualization: A scatter plot was created to visualize the relationship between the registration year (assumed as the year of admission) and the day of the year when the fee was paid (as a measure of payment promptness).
  • Observation: The scatter plot visually represents the data points but without a clear pattern indicating a strong relationship between the registration year and payment promptness. This suggests that the registration number (year of admission) may not significantly influence the promptness in payment of school fees.
Further statistical analysis could be conducted to quantify the relationship and examine other factors that might influence payment promptness.

analyze trends in payment of school fees promptness in relation to student gender

It seems there was a mistake in selecting the columns for 'Gender'. Let's correct that and proceed with the analysis.

Correct the selection of the 'Gender' column

Summary of Gender Analysis on Payment Promptness

  • Data Correction: Corrected the selection of the 'Gender' column for accurate analysis.
  • Analysis Findings:
    • Females have an average payment day of the year at 277.8, indicating payments later in the year on average.
    • Males have an average payment day of the year at 254.7, suggesting they tend to pay slightly earlier in the year compared to females.
  • Conclusion: There appears to be a trend where males make their school fee payments earlier in the year on average compared to females. This observation could indicate gender-related differences in payment promptness.

Explore trends in payment promptness based on student level (e.g., 100 level, 200 level)

test the null hypothesis which states that there will be no statistically significant difference in promptness in payment of school fees between the male and female students

T-Test Summary for Gender-Based Payment Promptness

  • T-Test Results: The independent t-test between male and female students' payment promptness yielded a t-statistic of -1.4746 and a p-value of 0.1414.
  • Interpretation:
    • The p-value is greater than the conventional threshold of 0.05, indicating that we fail to reject the null hypothesis.
    • This suggests there is no statistically significant difference in the promptness of school fee payments between male and female students.
  • Conclusion: The analysis does not support the existence of a gender-based difference in the promptness of school fee payments.


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