Discussion on Generating a Chart

Apr 14, 2024, 7:48 PM


Could you provide more information about what type of chart you need and what data it should represent?
Could you provide more information about what type of chart you need and what data it should represent?

Line graph comparing revenue over time

The data includes columns for 'Fábrica', 'Mês', and '% Grandes'. Let's create a line graph to compare the '% Grandes' over different months for the factory in 'Itu'.
The data includes columns for 'Fábrica', 'Mês', and '% Grandes'. Let's create a line graph to compare the '% Grandes' over different months for the factory in 'Itu'.
We loaded the data from an Excel file and displayed its structure, which includes columns for 'Fábrica', 'Mês', and '% Grandes'. We then filtered the data for the 'Itu' factory and created a line graph to visualize the revenue (% Grandes) over different months.

make a chart that has a month and plant filter

We'll create an interactive chart with filters for both the month and the factory. This will allow you to select specific months and factories to view the data for those parameters.
We created an interactive line graph with dropdown filters for both 'Fábrica' (factory) and 'Mês' (month). This allows for dynamic viewing of the revenue data ('% Grandes') based on selected factory and month.
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