Vizly: AI-powered data analysis

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list down the column headings

To list down the column headings, we first need to load the CSV file. Please upload the file "ECC project - data anaysis using AI - for analyses (2).csv".

list down the column headings

How often did caregivers play with their child to help them learn new things in the past week?

a) Exact column name: 1. In the past week, how often did you play with your child to help him/her learn new things?
b) Analysis and Visualization:
Baseline: Calculate the frequency distribution of responses (e.g., daily, weekly) and visualize using a bar chart.
Midline: Repeat the same analysis for the midline data.
Baseline vs Midline: Compare the distribution of responses between baseline and midline using side-by-side bar charts.

How many children's books or picture books do caregivers have for their child?

a) Exact column name: "4. How many children's books or picture books do you have for your child?"
b) Analysis and Visualization:
Baseline: Calculate the mean and median number of books and visualize using a histogram or boxplot.
Midline: Repeat the same analysis for the midline data.
Baseline vs Midline: Compare the distribution of the number of books between baseline and midline using boxplots or histograms.
The analysis for the number of children's books or picture books caregivers have for their child at baseline could not be completed due to missing or non-numeric data in the baseline group. However, for the midline data, the mean and median number of books are both 5.0.
To visualize the distribution of the number of books at midline, we will use a boxplot.

How often do caregivers engage in specific activities with their child (e.g., reading, storytelling, singing)?

a) Exact column names:
"6. During the past week, did you or any household member over the age of 15 engage in any of the following activities with your child? Tick ​​all that apply."
Activities listed: Read or look at picture books with your child, Told stories to your child, Sing songs to or with your child with lullabies, The child was taken outside the house, premises or premises, Played with your child, Name, count or draw things for or with your child
b) Analysis and Visualization:
Baseline: Calculate the proportion of caregivers engaging in each activity and visualize using a pie chart or stacked bar chart.
Midline: Repeat the same analysis for the midline data.
Baseline vs Midline: Compare the proportions of caregivers engaging in each activity between baseline and midline using stacked bar charts.
To analyze how often caregivers engage in specific activities with their child, we will first extract the relevant data for both baseline and midline. Then, we will calculate the proportion of caregivers engaging in each activity and visualize the results using stacked bar charts for both baseline and midline data.
Let's start by extracting and preparing the data.

How often do caregivers engage in specific activities with their child (e.g., reading, storytelling, singing)?

a) Exact column names:
"6. During the past week, did you or any household member over the age of 15 engage in any of the following activities with your child? Tick ​​all that apply.
activities" is a blank column. relevant columns are:
Activities listed: Read or look at picture books with your child, Told stories to your child, Sing songs to or with your child with lullabies, The child was taken outside the house, premises or premises, Played with your child, Name, count or draw things for or with your child
b) Analysis and Visualization:
Baseline: Calculate the proportion of caregivers engaging in each activity and visualize using a pie chart or stacked bar chart.
Midline: Repeat the same analysis for the midline data.
Baseline vs Midline: Compare the proportions of caregivers engaging in each activity between baseline and midline using stacked bar charts.

How often do caregivers engage in specific activities with their child (e.g., reading, storytelling, singing)?

a) Exact column names:
"6. During the past week, did you or any household member over the age of 15 engage in any of the following activities with your child? Tick ​​all that apply.
activities" is a blank column. relevant columns are:
Activities listed: Read or look at picture books with your child, Told stories to your child, Sing songs to or with your child with lullabies, The child was taken outside the house, premises or premises, Played with your child, Name, count or draw things for or with your child
b) Analysis and Visualization:
Baseline: Calculate the proportion of caregivers engaging in each activity and visualize
Read or look at picture books with your child
Told stories to your child
Sing songs to or with your child with lullabies
The child was taken outside the house, premises or premises
Played with your child
Name, count or draw things for or with your child

How often do caregivers engage in specific activities with their child (e.g., reading, storytelling, singing)?

a) column names:
Read or look at picture books with your child, Told stories to your child, Sing songs to or with your child with lullabies, The child was taken outside the house, premises or premises, Played with your child, Name, count or draw things for or with your child
b) Analysis and Visualization:
Baseline: Calculate the proportion of caregivers engaging in each activity and visualize
To proceed with the analysis of how often caregivers engage in specific activities with their child, we need to calculate the proportion of caregivers engaging in each activity for both baseline and midline. This involves aggregating the data for each activity column separately for baseline and midline, then calculating the proportion of positive responses.
Let's start by aggregating the data for each activity.


AI-powered data analysis

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