Analyzing Employee Performance Data with Visualizations

Oct 16, 2024, 6:34 PM

Assignnent 2.sav

Missing file

What factors influence performance scores?

The pairplot above provides a visual representation of the relationships between different factors such as Age, Department, Job Role, Years of Experience, and Performance Score. By examining these plots, we can observe potential patterns or correlations that might exist between these variables and performance scores.
To further analyze the influence of these factors on performance scores, we can perform statistical analyses such as correlation analysis or regression analysis. Would you like to proceed with any specific analysis or have any other questions?

Can you perform a correlation analysis?

The correlation analysis reveals the following relationships between the Performance Score and other factors:
  • Age: There is a moderate positive correlation (0.624) with performance scores, suggesting that as age increases, performance scores tend to increase.
  • Years of Experience: There is a moderate positive correlation (0.640) with performance scores, indicating that more years of experience are associated with higher performance scores.
  • Department: There is a moderate negative correlation (-0.595) with performance scores, suggesting that certain departments might have lower performance scores.
  • Job Role: There is a moderate negative correlation (-0.503) with performance scores, indicating that certain job roles might be associated with lower performance scores.
These correlations provide insights into which factors might influence performance scores. However, correlation does not imply causation, and further analysis might be needed to understand the causal relationships.
Would you like to explore any specific factor further or perform another type of analysis?
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