Vizly: AI-powered data analysis

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Which colleges have the most people?

First, let's load the provided data from the file 2022 US College Rankings.csv to understand its structure and find out which colleges have the most people.
To identify the colleges with the highest enrollment numbers, we'll sort our data by Enrollment Numbers in descending order. This will allow us to see which colleges have the most students.

Are there any Ivy league colleges in the top 10?

Now, let's check if any Ivy League colleges are among the top 10 colleges with the highest enrollment numbers.
Upon checking, there are no Ivy League colleges among the top 10 colleges with the highest enrollment numbers. This could be due to their selective admission processes and smaller class sizes compared to larger public universities.

Which college has the highest tuition cost?

Let's find out which college has the highest tuition cost from the provided data.

Show me a graph of the enrollment numbers

Let's create a graph to visualize the enrollment numbers for the colleges in the provided data.

Visualize distribution of tuition costs

Let's visualize the distribution of tuition costs across the colleges in the provided data.

Compare tuition costs with enrollment numbers

To compare tuition costs with enrollment numbers, we'll create a scatter plot. This visualization will help us understand if there's any correlation between the tuition costs and the number of enrollments across colleges.

Visualize distribution of tuition costs

It seems there was a misunderstanding in the request. Let's proceed with visualizing the distribution of tuition costs using the data already loaded.

Compare tuition costs of Ivy League colleges

To compare the tuition costs of Ivy League colleges, we'll first filter the data to include only those colleges. Then, we'll create a bar chart to visualize the tuition costs of each Ivy League college.

Compare tuition costs with enrollment numbers

Let's compare tuition costs with enrollment numbers for the colleges in the dataset. We will create a scatter plot to visualize the relationship between these two variables.


AI-powered data analysis

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