Vizly: AI-powered data analysis

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Exploring Customer Ratings Distribution Across Branches in a Supermarket

Rating distribution by branch

We successfully loaded the supermarket sales data and generated a histogram to visualize the distribution of customer ratings across different branches. The graph displays how customer ratings are spread between the branches, grouped by each branch with distinct colors.

Total sales by product category, by gender and by location

We'll calculate the total sales for each product category, split by gender and location. This will involve grouping the data by product line, gender, and city, and then summing up the total sales for each group.

Total Sales by Product Category, Gender, and Location

Here's a summary of the total sales for each product category, broken down by gender and city:
  • Electronic Accessories: Sales are fairly balanced across genders and cities, with Naypyitaw having slightly higher sales for both genders.
  • Fashion Accessories: Similar trends as electronic accessories, with slight variations between cities and genders.
  • Food and Beverages: Yangon leads in sales for both genders.
  • Health and Beauty: Mandalay shows higher sales for males, while females have higher sales in Naypyitaw.
  • Home and Lifestyle: Yangon sees the highest sales for males, with females having higher sales in Naypyitaw.
  • Sports and Travel: Yangon and Naypyitaw show strong sales for males, while females have higher sales in Naypyitaw.
This detailed breakdown helps in understanding consumer preferences and sales performance across different segments and locations.

Visualize this for me

We successfully created and displayed a bar chart visualizing the total sales by product category, gender, and location. The chart shows how sales differ across these dimensions in the cities of Yangon, Mandalay, and Naypyitaw.


AI-powered data analysis

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