A linear regression model was created using data merged from two datasets: characters and planets. The dependent variable chosen was rotation_period
. The model included various predictors such as orbital period, diameter, surface water, and population. Here are some key points from the regression analysis:
- R-squared: 0.044, indicating that only 4.4% of the variability in rotation period is explained by the model.
- P-values: High p-values for all coefficients suggest that none of the predictors are statistically significant at typical levels.
- Model Fit: The low R-squared combined with high p-values indicates a poor fit of the model to this data.
- Warnings: There's a note about potential multicollinearity or other numerical problems due to a large condition number (1.05e+12).
Overall, these results suggest that the selected predictors do not have a strong predictive relationship with rotation_period