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Analysis of Student Progression from Human Biology AS to Nursing BS Program

nursing acceptance vizly ashbio.xlsx

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what percentage of Entering Program Human Biology AS are in Current Program Nursing BS

The percentage of students who entered the Human Biology AS program and are currently in the Nursing BS program is 49.38%.

can you visualize the distribution of Current Program and Program Status

is there a correlation between TEAS Score and being in the Current Program Nursing BS?

The correlation between TEAS Score and being in the Current Program Nursing BS is 1.0. This indicates a perfect positive correlation, meaning that higher TEAS scores are perfectly associated with being in the Nursing BS program.

Can you show the distribution of TEAS Scores for different programs?

is there any correlation between Modality and the TEAS Score

The correlation between Modality and TEAS Score is 0.109. This indicates a very weak positive correlation, suggesting that the modality of the program has a minimal impact on the TEAS scores.

Can you show the distribution of TEAS Scores for different modalities?

Please provide the percentages of students according to the different Program Status

The percentages of students according to different Program Status are as follows:
  • Completed Program: 53.09%
  • Discontinued: 32.10%
  • Active in Program: 12.35%
  • Cancelled: 2.47%
Feel free to ask if you have any more questions or need further analysis!

what is the propotion of students in Current Program HUman Biology AS with Program Status discontinued?

The proportion of students in the Current Program Human Biology AS with Program Status discontinued is 69.70%.
Feel free to ask if you have any more questions or need further analysis!


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