Missing file
case_id faa_ors faa_asn usgs_pr_id eia_id t_state \
0 3123319 40-097765 2021-WTW-7879-OE NaN 65511.0 OK
1 3123340 40-097520 2021-WTW-7901-OE NaN 65511.0 OK
2 3123283 40-098169 2021-WTW-8718-OE NaN 65511.0 OK
3 3123452 40-097545 2021-WTW-7884-OE NaN 65511.0 OK
4 3123519 40-097550 2021-WTW-7881-OE NaN 65511.0 OK
t_county t_fips p_name p_year ... t_ttlh t_retrofit \
0 Ellis County 40045.0 25 Mile Creek 2022.0 ... 180.1 0
1 Ellis County 40045.0 25 Mile Creek 2022.0 ... 180.1 0
2 Ellis County 40045.0 25 Mile Creek 2022.0 ... 180.1 0
3 Ellis County 40045.0 25 Mile Creek 2022.0 ... 180.1 0
4 Ellis County 40045.0 25 Mile Creek 2022.0 ... 180.1 0
t_retro_yr t_offshore t_conf_atr t_conf_loc t_img_date t_img_src \
0 NaN 0 3 3 1/4/2023 Maxar
1 NaN 0 3 3 1/4/2023 Maxar
2 NaN 0 3 3 1/4/2023 Maxar
3 NaN 0 3 3 1/4/2023 Maxar
4 NaN 0 3 3 1/4/2023 Maxar
xlong ylat
0 -99.740372 36.489838
1 -99.733086 36.451591
2 -99.762627 36.515823
3 -99.707520 36.490849
4 -99.724426 36.491375
[5 rows x 28 columns]
) from 1982 to 2024, categorized by state (t_state
) and manufacturer (t_manu
). Here are some key observations:t_ttlh
). Here are some key observations: