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Correlation Analysis of Course Grades and TEAS Scores for Human Biology AS Students

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Please show me the correlations between the course grades and TEAS scores for students in the Human Biology AS program

The correlation matrix for the course grades and TEAS scores for students in the Human Biology AS program is as follows:
BIO201 GradeBIO201A GradeBIO202 GradeBIO202A GradeBIO203 GradeBIO203A GradeBST322 GradeTEAS Score
BIO201 Grade1.0000000.4937710.4510720.3200110.0965050.2417270.0985360.262960
BIO201A Grade0.4937711.0000000.1790340.2244070.0412350.2333790.229784-0.013531
BIO202 Grade0.4510720.1790341.0000000.6176100.3219860.3533930.2263580.378407
BIO202A Grade0.3200110.2244070.6176101.0000000.1379090.0784540.1114160.157483
BIO203 Grade0.0965050.0412350.3219860.1379091.0000000.7351670.0923160.234223
BIO203A Grade0.2417270.2333790.3533930.0784540.7351671.0000000.0653840.127664
BST322 Grade0.0985360.2297840.2263580.1114160.0923160.0653841.0000000.176865
TEAS Score0.262960-0.0135310.3784070.1574830.2342230.1276640.1768651.000000
Key Insights:
  • The highest correlation with TEAS Score is with BIO202 Grade (0.378407).
  • BIO201 Grade also shows a moderate positive correlation with TEAS Score (0.262960).
  • BIO201A Grade has a very weak negative correlation with TEAS Score (-0.013531).
Feel free to ask any further questions or request additional analysis!

Could you please bin courses and their 'A' equivalents? i.e. BIO201 and BIO201A in one bin. Plot these courses vs. the correlation with TEAS scores on a bar chart

The bar chart above shows the correlation of binned course grades with TEAS scores for students in the Human Biology AS program. Here are the average correlations for each bin:
  • BIO201: 0.1247
  • BIO202: 0.2679
  • BIO203: 0.1809
  • BST322: 0.1769
Key Insights:
  • The highest correlation with TEAS Score is for the BIO202 bin (0.2679).
  • The BIO201 bin has the lowest correlation with TEAS Score (0.1247).
Feel free to ask any further questions or request additional analysis!


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