I have provided the correlation matrix for the numerical features as requested. Here's a summary of the findings:
The correlation matrix heatmap visualizes the relationships between all numerical features in the dataset.
The top 10 features most correlated with SalePrice are:
- OverallQual (0.791)
- GrLivArea (0.709)
- GarageCars (0.640)
- GarageArea (0.623)
- TotalBsmtSF (0.614)
- 1stFlrSF (0.606)
- FullBath (0.561)
- TotRmsAbvGrd (0.534)
- YearBuilt (0.523)
- YearRemodAdd (0.507)
OverallQual (overall quality) has the strongest positive correlation with SalePrice, which confirms our earlier observation from the scatter plot.
GrLivArea (above ground living area) also shows a strong positive correlation, supporting our previous analysis.
Features related to the garage (GarageCars and GarageArea) have a significant positive correlation with the sale price.
The year the house was built (YearBuilt) and the year of remodeling (YearRemodAdd) both show moderate positive correlations with the sale price.
This correlation analysis provides valuable insights into which features have the strongest relationships with the sale price, which could be useful for feature selection in predictive modeling or for understanding the key factors influencing house prices in this dataset.
Would you like to explore any specific relationships further or analyze any other aspects of the data?