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2021-2023 CCE Index.xlsx

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what is in this data?

The dataset provided is an Excel file named 2021-2023 CCE Index.xlsx. It contains various columns related to different countries and their performance metrics over the years 2021 to 2023. Here is a brief overview of the columns present in the dataset:
  • Year: The year of the data entry (2021, 2022, 2023).
  • countryname: The name of the country.
  • countrycode: The ISO code of the country.
  • regionnum: The region to which the country belongs.
  • incomenum: The income classification of the country.
  • oilproducers: Indicator if the country is an oil producer.
  • pf_ee2023: Performance factor for energy efficiency in 2023.
  • pf_ee2023_imp1: Performance factor for energy efficiency improvement in 2023.
  • inv_mmx_pf_ee2023_imp1: Investment in maximum performance factor for energy efficiency improvement in 2023.
  • pf_renew2023: Performance factor for renewable energy in 2023.
  • mmx_pf_renew2023: Maximum performance factor for renewable energy in 2023.
  • pf_nuclear2023: Performance factor for nuclear energy in 2023.
  • mmx_pf_nuclear2023: Maximum performance factor for nuclear energy in 2023.
  • pf_electricity2023: Performance factor for electricity in 2023.
  • pf_electricity2023_imp1: Performance factor for electricity improvement in 2023.
  • mmx_pf_electricity2023_imp1: Maximum performance factor for electricity improvement in 2023.
  • pf_fswitchlevnew2023: Performance factor for fuel switch level new in 2023.
  • pf_fswitchchg2023: Performance factor for fuel switch change in 2023.
  • inv_mmx_pf_fswitchlevnew2023: Investment in maximum performance factor for fuel switch level new in 2023.
  • inv_mmx_pf_fswitchchg2023: Investment in maximum performance factor for fuel switch change in 2023.
  • inv_mmx_pf_fswitch2023: Investment in maximum performance factor for fuel switch in 2023.
  • pf_forest2023: Performance factor for forest in 2023.
  • mmx_pf_forest2023: Maximum performance factor for forest in 2023.
  • pf_natlsinks2021: Performance factor for national sinks in 2021.
  • pf_natlsinks2021_imp1: Performance factor for national sinks improvement in 2021.
  • mmx_pf_natlsinks_foralt2021_imp1: Maximum performance factor for national sinks forest alternative improvement in 2021.
  • pf_ccusgdp2021: Performance factor for carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) as a percentage of GDP in 2021.
  • mmx_pf_ccusgdp2021: Maximum performance factor for CCUS as a percentage of GDP in 2021.
  • pf_h2gdp2021: Performance factor for hydrogen as a percentage of GDP in 2021.
  • mmx_pf_h2gdp2021: Maximum performance factor for hydrogen as a percentage of GDP in 2021.
  • av_perf0100_2021: Average performance on a scale of 0 to 100 in 2021.
  • 2021: Additional column for the year 2021.
The dataset contains a total of 95 columns, capturing various performance metrics and indicators for different countries over the specified years.


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