Vizly: AI-powered data analysis

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final data.csv

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I WOULD LIKE TO The analysis should be based on the mean, standard deviation, and significance tests.The study investigates the effect of different concentrations of plant extracts on seed germination and seedling growth of three plant species, including wild mustard, wild barley, and wild lettuce (which is recognized as a sensitive plant to allelochemicals).


    Factor One: Plant Species
        Wild mustard
        Wild barley
        Wild lettuce

    Factor Two: Extract Concentrations
        0% (Control)

Experimental Design:
    Design Type: Factorial experiment
    Design: Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
    Replications: 3 replications for each treatment combination
To analyze significant differences between treatments, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) will be used. Duncan's multiple range test will be employed to identify different groups of
Let's start by loading the provided dataset and inspecting its contents. This will help us understand the structure of the data and proceed with the analysis accordingly.
It seems that the 'ascii' encoding is not suitable for reading the file due to the presence of non-ASCII characters. Let's try using 'utf-8' encoding instead.
The dataset has been successfully loaded. Here are the first few rows of the dataset:
SpeciesExtract ConcentrationGermination PercentageGermination RateRoot LengthShoot LengthSeedling Dry Weight
جو وحشی۰.۰۰%92.008.336.138.4228.44
جو وحشی۲۰.۰۰%65.335.374.306.0519.74
جو وحشی۴۰.۰۰%54.673.072.434.3016.52
جو وحشی۶۰.۰۰%29.332.131.072.6813.07
جو وحشی۸۰.۰۰%
Next, we will proceed with the following steps:
  1. Convert the columns to appropriate data types.
  2. Calculate the mean and standard deviation for each combination of plant species and extract concentration.
  3. Perform ANOVA to analyze significant differences between treatments.
  4. Use Duncan's multiple range test to identify different groups.
Let's start with converting the columns to appropriate data types.
It seems there was a syntax error in the previous code cell. The issue was caused by a typo in the variable name df. Let's correct this and proceed with cleaning the data and converting the columns to appropriate data types.
The columns have been successfully converted to appropriate data types. Here are the data types of each column:
  • Species: object
  • Extract Concentration: float64
  • Germination Percentage: float64
  • Germination Rate: float64
  • Root Length: float64
  • Shoot Length: float64
  • Seedling Dry Weight: float64
Next, we will calculate the mean and standard deviation for each combination of plant species and extract concentration.
The mean and standard deviation for each combination of plant species and extract concentration have been calculated. Here are the summary statistics:
SpeciesExtract ConcentrationMean Germination PercentageStd Germination PercentageMean Germination RateStd Germination RateMean Root LengthStd Root LengthMean Shoot LengthStd Shoot LengthMean Seedling Dry WeightStd Seedling Dry Weight
جو وحشی0.092.00NaN8.33NaN6.13NaN8.42NaN28.44NaN
جو وحشی20.065.33NaN5.37NaN4.30NaN6.05NaN19.74NaN
جو وحشی40.054.67NaN3.07NaN2.43NaN4.30NaN16.52NaN
جو وحشی60.029.33NaN2.13NaN1.07NaN2.68NaN13.07NaN
جو وحشی80.00.00NaN0.00NaN0.00NaN0.00NaN0.00NaN
جو وحشی100.00.00NaN0.00NaN0.00NaN0.00NaN0.00NaN
خردل وحشی0.097.33NaN9.33NaN7.13NaN9.42NaN32.44NaN
خردل وحشی20.073.33NaN6.37NaN5.30NaN7.05NaN22.74NaN
خردل وحشی40.057.33NaN4.07NaN3.43NaN5.30NaN19.52NaN
خردل وحشی60.050.67NaN3.13NaN2.07NaN3.68NaN16.07NaN
خردل وحشی80.028.00NaN1.00NaN1.00NaN1.00NaN10.00NaN
خردل وحشی100.00.00NaN0.00NaN0.00NaN0.00NaN0.00NaN
کاهو وحشی0.0100.00NaN10.00NaN8.13NaN10.42NaN35.44NaN
کاهو وحشی20.080.00NaN7.37NaN6.30NaN8.05NaN25.74NaN
کاهو وحشی40.060.00NaN5.07NaN4.43NaN6.30NaN22.52NaN
کاهو وحشی60.040.00NaN3.13NaN2.07NaN3.68NaN19.07NaN
کاهو وحشی80.020.00NaN1.00NaN1.00NaN1.00NaN10.00NaN
کاهو وحشی100.00.00NaN0.00NaN0.00NaN0.00NaN0.00NaN
Next, we will perform ANOVA to analyze significant differences between treatments.
It seems there was a syntax error in the previous code cell. The issue was caused by the use of f-strings in the formula string for the OLS model. Let's correct this by using the format method instead.


AI-powered data analysis

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