Dataset Description
The dataset provided contains information about hiring data for HRwise Co. from FY18 to FY20. Here are the columns included in the dataset:
- Client: The client company for which the hiring was done.
- Name: The name of the hired individual.
- Skill Category: The skill category of the hired individual (e.g., Operations, Strategy, Product, BD & Sales).
- Hiring Level: The level of the position (e.g., Mid Management).
- Date of Joining: The date when the individual joined the company.
- Professional Fees Applicable %: The percentage of professional fees applicable.
- CTC Offered: The Cost to Company (CTC) offered to the individual.
- Professional Charges (Basic): The basic professional charges.
- Team Member: The team member responsible for the hiring.
- Final Status: The final status of the hiring (e.g., Offered & Joined).
Potential Analyses and Visualizations
With this dataset, you can perform various analyses and visualizations, such as:
- Hiring Trends: Analyze the hiring trends over time, such as the number of hires per month or year.
- Client Analysis: Identify which clients have the most hires and the distribution of hires across different clients.
- Skill Category Distribution: Visualize the distribution of hires across different skill categories.
- CTC Analysis: Analyze the CTC offered to hires and identify trends or patterns.
- Professional Fees Analysis: Examine the professional fees applicable and the basic professional charges.
- Team Member Performance: Evaluate the performance of different team members based on the number of successful hires.
Feel free to ask for any specific analysis or visualization you would like to see from this dataset!