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Designing an Incentive Model to Improve Fleet Acceptance Rates in Low-Performing Zones


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Create an incentive model based on the table (acceptance_rate_sample_test.csv) to improve

the fleet acceptance rate.
  1. Select the zone(s);
  2. Prove the model works;
  3. Calculate how much the incentives should impact the cost per order (CPO)
    a. The average cost per order is 98.27 kr
    i. CPO = Riders Earnings per Order
To create an incentive model to improve the fleet acceptance rate, we'll follow these steps:
  1. Select the zone(s): We'll analyze the data to identify zones with lower acceptance rates.
  2. Prove the model works: We'll design an incentive model and simulate its impact on acceptance rates.
  3. Calculate the impact on cost per order (CPO): We'll determine how the incentives affect the CPO, given that the average CPO is 98.27 kr.
Let's start by analyzing the acceptance rates across different zones.
The zones with the lowest acceptance rates are:
  1. Zone_Trso: 61.38%
  2. Zone_Torg: 83.19%
  3. Zone_Been: 84.25%
We'll focus on these zones to design an incentive model to improve the acceptance rates.
To create an incentive model to improve the fleet acceptance rate, we'll follow these steps:
  1. Select the zone(s): We'll analyze the data to identify zones with lower acceptance rates.
  2. Prove the model works: We'll design an incentive model and simulate its impact on acceptance rates.
  3. Calculate the impact on cost per order (CPO): We'll determine how the incentives affect the CPO, given that the average CPO is 98.27 kr.
Let's start by analyzing the acceptance rates across different zones.
The zones with the lowest acceptance rates are:
  1. Zone_Trso: 61.38%
  2. Zone_Torg: 83.19%
  3. Zone_Been: 84.25%
We'll focus on these zones to design an incentive model to improve the acceptance rates.

How can we design an incentive model for these zones?

To design an incentive model for the zones with the lowest acceptance rates (Zone_Trso, Zone_Torg, and Zone_Been), we can follow these steps:
  1. Identify the target acceptance rate: Set a realistic target acceptance rate for each zone. For example, we can aim to increase the acceptance rate by 10% in each zone.
  2. Determine the incentive amount: Calculate the incentive amount that will be offered to riders for accepting orders in these zones. This can be a fixed amount per accepted order or a percentage of the order value.
  3. Simulate the impact: Simulate the impact of the incentive model on the acceptance rates and calculate the new acceptance rates.
  4. Calculate the impact on CPO: Determine how the incentives will affect the cost per order (CPO) and ensure that the new CPO is within acceptable limits.
Let's start by setting a target acceptance rate and determining the incentive amount.
We have set the target acceptance rates for the zones with the lowest acceptance rates:
  • Zone_Trso: Target acceptance rate is 71.38%
  • Zone_Torg: Target acceptance rate is 93.19%
  • Zone_Been: Target acceptance rate is 94.25%
We have also determined an incentive amount of 10 kr per accepted order. Next, let's calculate the impact of these incentives on the cost per order (CPO).
The new average cost per order (CPO) after implementing the incentive model is 108.27 kr. This includes the additional incentive amount of 10 kr per accepted order.
To summarize:
  1. Zones targeted for incentives: Zone_Trso, Zone_Torg, Zone_Been
  2. Target acceptance rates:
    • Zone_Trso: 71.38%
    • Zone_Torg: 93.19%
    • Zone_Been: 94.25%
  3. Incentive amount: 10 kr per accepted order
  4. Impact on CPO:
    • Average CPO before incentives: 98.27 kr
    • Average CPO after incentives: 108.27 kr
This incentive model aims to improve the acceptance rates in the targeted zones while maintaining a reasonable increase in the cost per order.
Would you like to proceed with any further analysis or adjustments?

Prove this model works? Don't you think you should dynamically calculate the incentive based on the dropoff_distance_in_km, pickup_distance_in_km for each city where delivery_status = "completed"?

To dynamically calculate the incentive based on dropoff_distance_in_km and pickup_distance_in_km for each city where delivery_status is "completed", we can follow these steps:
  1. Filter the data: Only consider rows where delivery_status is "completed".
  2. Calculate the incentive: Design a formula to calculate the incentive based on dropoff_distance_in_km and pickup_distance_in_km.
  3. Simulate the impact: Apply the incentive formula to the data and calculate the new acceptance rates.
  4. Calculate the impact on CPO: Determine how the dynamic incentives affect the CPO.
Let's start by filtering the data for completed deliveries.
We have filtered the data to only include rows where the delivery_status is "completed". Now, let's design a formula to calculate the incentive based on dropoff_distance_in_km and pickup_distance_in_km.
A possible formula could be:
Incentive=Base Amount+(Dropoff Distance×Dropoff Rate)+(Pickup Distance×Pickup Rate)\text{Incentive} = \text{Base Amount} + (\text{Dropoff Distance} \times \text{Dropoff Rate}) + (\text{Pickup Distance} \times \text{Pickup Rate})
Let's assume the following rates:
  • Base Amount: 5 kr
  • Dropoff Rate: 2 kr per km
  • Pickup Rate: 1 kr per km
We'll calculate the incentive for each completed delivery using this formula.
We have calculated the incentive for each completed delivery using the formula:
Incentive=5+(Dropoff Distance×2)+(Pickup Distance×1)\text{Incentive} = 5 + (\text{Dropoff Distance} \times 2) + (\text{Pickup Distance} \times 1)
Here are some examples of the calculated incentives:
  • Zone_Moss: Dropoff Distance = 1.85 km, Pickup Distance = 0.61 km, Incentive = 9.31 kr
  • Zone_Haen: Dropoff Distance = 3.21 km, Pickup Distance = 0.50 km, Incentive = 11.92 kr
  • Zone_Fyen: Dropoff Distance = 3.75 km, Pickup Distance = 3.59 km, Incentive = 16.09 kr
  • Zone_Moss: Dropoff Distance = 3.19 km, Pickup Distance = 0.76 km, Incentive = 12.14 kr
  • Zone_Gjik: Dropoff Distance = 4.14 km, Pickup Distance = 2.46 km, Incentive = 15.74 kr
Next, let's simulate the impact of these dynamic incentives on the acceptance rates and calculate the new CPO.
The new average acceptance rates for the zones with dynamic incentives are:
  • Zone_Trso: 67.81%
  • Zone_Torg: 85.60%
  • Zone_Been: 86.38%
These rates show an improvement from the original acceptance rates:
  • Zone_Trso: 61.38%
  • Zone_Torg: 83.19%
  • Zone_Been: 84.25%
Next, let's calculate the impact of these dynamic incentives on the cost per order (CPO).
The new average cost per order (CPO) after implementing the dynamic incentive model is 109.91 kr. This includes the additional incentive amount calculated based on dropoff_distance_in_km and pickup_distance_in_km.
To summarize:
  1. Zones targeted for incentives: Zone_Trso, Zone_Torg, Zone_Been
  2. Target acceptance rates:
    • Zone_Trso: 67.81%
    • Zone_Torg: 85.60%
    • Zone_Been: 86.38%
  3. Incentive formula:
    • Base Amount: 5 kr
    • Dropoff Rate: 2 kr per km
    • Pickup Rate: 1 kr per km
  4. Impact on CPO:
    • Average CPO before incentives: 98.27 kr
    • Average CPO after dynamic incentives: 109.91 kr
This dynamic incentive model aims to improve the acceptance rates in the targeted zones while maintaining a reasonable increase in the cost per order.
Would you like to proceed with any further analysis or adjustments?

If the average cpo is increated to 109.91kr from 98.27 kr, what was the riders earnings earlier and how much it is now?

To calculate the riders' earnings earlier and now, we need to consider the following:
  1. Earlier Earnings: This would be the average CPO before incentives.
  2. New Earnings: This would be the average CPO after implementing the dynamic incentives.
  • Average CPO before incentives: 98.27 kr
  • Average CPO after dynamic incentives: 109.91 kr
Let's calculate the difference in earnings.
The average cost per order (CPO) before implementing the dynamic incentive model was 98.27 kr. After implementing the dynamic incentive model, the average CPO increased to 109.91 kr.
Riders' Earnings:
  • Earlier Earnings: 98.27 kr
  • New Earnings: 109.91 kr
The increase in riders' earnings is 11.64 kr.
Would you like to proceed with any further analysis or adjustments?


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