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Analyzing Crop Yields Across Different Fertilizers

Comparison of crop yields for each fertilizer

  • Loaded data from Data for Practical 9.xlsx, specifically from Sheet1.
  • Data consists of crop yields for four different crops, each treated with three different fertilizers (A, B, and C).
  • Visualized the comparison of crop yields for each fertilizer using a grouped bar chart.
  • The chart shows yield values for each crop across the three fertilizers, allowing for a direct comparison of their effectiveness.

Is there correlation between the crops variety

  • Calculated the correlation matrix for crop yields.
  • High correlation between Crop I and Crop II (0.999), indicating very similar yield patterns.
  • Crop III shows a moderate to high correlation with Crop I and II, and a high correlation with Crop IV (0.878).
  • Crop IV's correlation with Crop I and II is lower, suggesting more distinct yield patterns compared to the other crops.

Analyze impact of different fertilizers on crop varieties

To analyze the impact of different fertilizers on crop varieties, we'll calculate the average yield for each crop under each fertilizer type. This will help us understand which fertilizer performs best for each crop variety.
  • Analyzed the impact of different fertilizers on crop varieties by calculating the average yield for each crop under each fertilizer type.
  • Fertilizer A shows the highest average yield for Crop III (7.20) and Crop IV (6.7).
  • Fertilizer B demonstrates the best performance for Crop I (7.35) and Crop II (7.3).
  • This analysis helps identify which fertilizer is most effective for each crop variety, providing valuable insights for optimizing crop production.

test the null hypothesis that there will be no statistically significant difference in the crop yield due to different types of fertilizers

  • Performed an ANOVA test to compare the means of crop yields for Fertilizer A and Fertilizer B.
  • The test resulted in a p-value of 0.3335, indicating no statistically significant difference in crop yield due to different types of fertilizers.
  • This means we fail to reject the null hypothesis, suggesting that the type of fertilizer does not significantly affect the crop yield.

test the null hypothesis which states that there will be no statistically significant difference in the crops yield due to the crops variety

  • Conducted an ANOVA test to assess the impact of crop variety on yield.
  • The test yielded a p-value of 0.7762, indicating no statistically significant difference in yields across the crop varieties.
  • This result supports the null hypothesis, suggesting that crop variety does not significantly affect yield.

Investigate correlation between crop yields and fertilizer types

To investigate the correlation between crop yields and fertilizer types, we'll convert the fertilizer types into numerical values and then calculate the correlation matrix. This approach allows us to quantify the relationship between the type of fertilizer used and the yield for each crop.

Analyze correlation between crop yields and fertilizer types

To analyze the correlation between crop yields and fertilizer types, we need to encode the fertilizer types into numerical values. This process, known as encoding, transforms categorical data into a format that can be provided to algorithms for correlation analysis. After encoding, we'll calculate the correlation matrix to see how strongly the type of fertilizer is related to the yield of each crop.
  • Encoded fertilizer types into numerical values to analyze the correlation between crop yields and fertilizer types.
  • Calculated the correlation matrix, revealing varying degrees of correlation between different crops and fertilizer types:
    • Crop I and Crop II have a moderate to high positive correlation with fertilizer type (0.75 and 0.72 respectively), suggesting that yields for these crops may be influenced by the type of fertilizer used.
    • Crop III shows a very low positive correlation (0.13) with fertilizer type, indicating minimal influence.
    • Crop IV has a slight negative correlation (-0.36) with fertilizer type, suggesting that as the numerical value of fertilizer type increases, the yield for Crop IV slightly decreases.
  • These results suggest that the impact of fertilizer type on crop yields varies across different crops, with some crops showing more sensitivity to the type of fertilizer used than others.

Compare crop yields under different fertilizer types visually

  • Encoded fertilizer types to analyze the correlation between crop yields and fertilizer types. Found varying degrees of correlation, indicating different sensitivities among crops to fertilizer type.
  • Visualized crop yields under different fertilizer types using a box plot. This comparison highlights the variation in crop yields due to the use of different fertilizers, providing a clear visual representation of the data.


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