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Analyzing Sales Data: Total Sales by Region

Total sales by region

Total Sales by Region Summary

  • Central: $11,139.07
  • East: $6,002.09
  • West: $2,486.72

Show sales distribution graph

Sales Distribution by Region

  • A bar graph was created to visualize the sales distribution by region.
  • Regions:
    • Central
    • East
    • West
  • The graph shows that the Central region has the highest sales, followed by the East and then the West.
  • The graph was styled with a dark theme for better visualization.

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You can download the visualized sales distribution graph here:

Analyze sales by product category

Sales by Product Category Summary

  • Binder: $9,577.65
  • Desk: $1,700.00
  • Pen: $2,045.22
  • Pen Set: $4,169.87
  • Pencil: $2,135.14
This analysis shows the total sales for each product category. Binders lead in sales, followed by Pen Sets, Pencils, Pens, and Desks.

Compare sales performance between regions

To compare sales performance between regions, we'll calculate and visualize the total sales for each region over time. This involves grouping the data by region and date, then summing up the sales. Let's proceed to visualize this comparison.

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Summary of Sales Analysis

  1. Total Sales by Region:
    • Central: $11,139.07
    • East: $6,002.09
    • West: $2,486.72
  2. Sales Distribution Graph:
    • Visualized the sales distribution by region through a bar graph, highlighting Central as the highest sales region.
  3. Sales by Product Category:
    • Binder: $9,577.65
    • Desk: $1,700.00
    • Pen: $2,045.22
    • Pen Set: $4,169.87
    • Pencil: $2,135.14
  4. Sales Performance Comparison by Region:
    • A line graph was created to compare sales performance between regions over time, showcasing the fluctuations in sales.
  5. Sales Distribution Pie Chart:
    • A pie chart was added to visually represent the sales distribution by region, providing a different perspective on the data.

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Top-selling products analysis

Top-Selling Products Analysis

The analysis of top-selling products, based on the total units sold, reveals the following ranking:
  1. Binder: 722 units
  2. Pencil: 716 units
  3. Pen Set: 395 units
  4. Pen: 278 units
  5. Desk: 10 units
Binders and Pencils are the most popular items, with nearly identical sales volumes, followed by Pen Sets, Pens, and Desks, which have significantly lower sales volumes.


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