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Exploratory Analysis and Correlation in Dataset


Missing file

Interpret and announce the highest and lowest and announce the mean and standard deviation of each and announce the highest correlation

The dataset has been successfully loaded and analyzed. Here are the key statistics for each numeric column:
  • Highest Values:
    • Rate: 1395.0
    • Age: 1979356000.0
    • Ejtemaee_Score: 82.0
  • Lowest Values:
    • Rate: 10.0
    • Age: 0.0
    • Ejtemaee_Score: 21.0
  • Mean Values:
    • Rate: 38.75
    • Age: 16442790.0
    • Ejtemaee_Score: 49.12
  • Standard Deviation:
    • Rate: 177.75
    • Age: 178218700.0
    • Ejtemaee_Score: 10.77
The highest correlation found in the dataset is between Age and Ejtemaee_Score with a correlation value of 0.0593.
Feel free to ask any more questions or request further analysis!

What can be concluded from this? Declare the highest and lowest and what is meaningful and not meaningful

From the analysis of the dataset, we can draw the following conclusions:

Highest and Lowest Values

  • Rate:
    • Highest: 1395.0
    • Lowest: 10.0
  • Age:
    • Highest: 1979356000.0
    • Lowest: 0.0
  • Ejtemaee_Score:
    • Highest: 82.0
    • Lowest: 21.0

Mean and Standard Deviation

  • Rate:
    • Mean: 38.75
    • Standard Deviation: 177.75
  • Age:
    • Mean: 16442790.0
    • Standard Deviation: 178218700.0
  • Ejtemaee_Score:
    • Mean: 49.12
    • Standard Deviation: 10.77


The highest correlation found in the dataset is between Age and Ejtemaee_Score with a correlation value of 0.0593. This correlation is very weak and close to zero, indicating that there is no meaningful linear relationship between Age and Ejtemaee_Score.

Meaningful Insights

  • The Ejtemaee_Score has a relatively low standard deviation (10.77) compared to its mean (49.12), suggesting that the scores are fairly consistent around the mean.
  • The Rate and Age columns have very high standard deviations compared to their means, indicating a wide spread of values.

Not Meaningful Insights

  • The correlation between Age and Ejtemaee_Score is very weak (0.0593), suggesting that there is no meaningful linear relationship between these two variables.
  • The extremely high values in the Age column (up to 1979356000.0) suggest that there may be data entry errors or outliers that need to be addressed.
Feel free to ask any more questions or request further analysis!


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